Our Mision
Our goal is to promote the culture of lifelong learning through active involvement of all community members in developing a coherent strategy for implementing the concept and practice of “learning throughtout life”. In our opinion the process of lifelong learning is more than a simple aspect in the education or training system. It is the path to a better future, the most effective solution to help a modest society transition towards a Knowledge Era. Our mission is to introduce lifelong learning in all fields and to channel our entire activity towards creating a viable alternative in developing a learning community.
Education and training of disadvantaged groups
One of the main aspects on which we are focused in a project is represented by the disadvantaged groups. This department runs projects and activities for training, research and institutional development focusing on those groups.
Entrepreneurship and development of human resources
In this sector, the goal of the team is to create a great impact in the activity of small or medium enterprises, developing human resources and entrepreneurship by using new and innovative instruments.
Rural Development
This department is aimed to bring the attention on the rural development, supporting it in implementing a common agricultural policy, respecting a set of rules and using mechanisms that regulate the production of agricultural tools and products in the European Union.
Our team of specialists are able to transform every training into an interactive learning experience, effective and pleasant not only for the trainer, but also for the trainee.
Our services
Project devlopment
External evaluation
Meet Our Team
Our team might seem small, but is competitive. Through our work and all the project that we developed, grew not only our knowledge, but also our experience and commitment.George Pana
Central project coordination, manager and team leader in large scale educational projects in social sector. The main activities and responsibilities are to representing the institution in international project and developing projects. Organizational skills: the capacity to run and coordinate a team, organizing seminaries, meetings, conferences, planning and respecting deadlines, negotiation skills, time management.
Rodica Pana
Researcher in adult education and in open and distant learning. Since 1998 she is working in adult education field and in project management vocational and educational training, fund absorbtion, involved in developing projects in the rural area, is involved in European projects (Grundtvig, Leonardo daVinci, Minerva) and in Structural Funds projects (development of human resources). Her expertise is in adult motivation, public policy in adult education, rural development and environmentalism.
Daiana huber
Graduate from Educational Sciences and Public Policy, working in technical project management since 2006. Her expertise is in sustainability and translation of green policies into practice, keeping a focus on the lifelong learning principles.